Monday, April 16, 2012

Et liv i revy

I've always done theater... It is a big part of who I am so when I got the chance to participate in a show here in Norway I jumped at the opportunity. Every year the Russ from my school (Ole Vig) put on a play (similar to how high schools in the US might have a Senior Show) called the russerevy (which translates basically to the russ show). The name of our show was "Et liv i revy" which basically means "A life in the show".
I had been going to practice for quite a while but the show was such a big secret that I didn't want to write about it for fear of giving something away!
All of the skits were written by the students and were generally based off true events. There were a lot of music numbers as well. I was in four. I didn't have a large part, but that was fine.
Instead of explaining every sketch, I'll just put some pictures here from backstage and I'm sure you'll be able to get an idea of how it was.
We were little kids for one of the scenes

My neighbor Marit Kristine 

There was a Broadway number

Everyone looked so classy!
Amazing makeup

Getting ready for the show

A scene based off of a children's movie

Beautiful mustache 

The "costume" for the first and last numbers.
It also happens to be the Russ clothes
We had a show Friday night, Saturday afternoon and evening. It was a huge success. So many people came and everyone really enjoyed it.
I'm not going to lie, at times during rehearsals I really wished I wasn't doing it... I'm always exhausted after school (such is the life of an exchange student) and I just wanted to go home and relax. However, I don't regret it at all now! It gave me a chance to make friends with people that I otherwise never would have hung out with. It was really a great experience and totally worth it.
The cast party Saturday night was a blast too.
Party hard, Anders!

Merete and I... She not only sang in the show but also
arranged the big Broadway dance number!

Not the best picture of any of us but
at least it looks like we were having fun!

This picture basically sums everything up:
The show
The party
The 2012 Russ from Ole Vig.

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Siblings Already

Siblings Already
These are pictures that I found of my host brother on facebook compared to pictures of myself (from facebook). It looks like we're going to get along pretty well :D