Saturday, October 22, 2011


In Hegra there are some ancient rock carvings. The oldest is from over 3000 years ago and the most recent is from about 900 years ago.

The footsteps
The other night there was a very special event that happened called Nattlysing.

The boats
Every October a group of people gathers at the carvings. A paper is handed out explaining things about different parts of the carvings and it has the name of a song for each carving.
On Wednesday night, Mamma, Pappa and I got all bundled up (I wore my winter coat for the first time this year!) and walked about 20 minutes down the road to the rock carvings.

The sun. 
The path up to the rock was lined with candles--It was absolutely lovely. When we reached the top there were lights set up on the rocks illuminating differnt parts of the carvings. There was a concert band that played different pieces of music (the ones listed on the paper) for each carving.
Between the songs the lights would be redirected to show different parts of the carvings. There was a song for the boats, a song for the horses, for the people, for the sun and I think one for the ocean. It was a very special event.
The people.
After, we talked a little bit to the people in charge, then we went to a small cabin for coffee and bolle (sweet rolls).
It was a very lovely, cozy, special evening.

1 comment:

  1. Dette så ut som en veldig fin opplevelse! Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne ha fått med meg det en gang.
    Du har virkelig kommet til et spennende sted i Norge! :)


Siblings Already

Siblings Already
These are pictures that I found of my host brother on facebook compared to pictures of myself (from facebook). It looks like we're going to get along pretty well :D